Trademark Usage Guide
Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac Logo Usage Guidelines
The Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac (LRCP) logo is a trademarked symbol that represents the integrity, values, and mission of our organization. To maintain the logo’s significance and ensure its appropriate usage, the following guidelines have been established:
1. Authorized Usage
- The LRCP logo is to be used exclusively for official club business or activities sanctioned by the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac.
- Members in good standing with currently active club memberships are permitted to use the logo on their website denoting their membership with The LRCP.
2. Permitted Use on Member Websites
- Members in good standing may display the LRCP logo on their personal or professional websites, provided:
- The website content aligns with the values and mission of the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac.
- The logo is presented in a manner that maintains its integrity and does not imply endorsement of products, services, or opinions outside the scope of the club’s mission.
3. Approval for Other Usage
- Any use of the LRCP logo outside of the aforementioned guidelines, including but not limited to promotional materials, merchandise, social media, or events, must receive prior written approval from the Board of Directors by sending an email to
4. Restrictions on Usage
- The LRCP logo may not be altered, distorted, or modified in any way.
- The logo must not be used in connection with any activity, organization, or message that is inconsistent with the values, mission, or reputation of the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac.
5. Revocation of Usage Rights
- The club reserves the right to revoke the privilege to use the logo if a member is no longer in good standing or if the logo is used inappropriately.
6. Reporting Unauthorized Use
- Any suspected misuse of the LRCP logo should be reported to for investigation and appropriate action.
By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac’s logo continues to represent the excellence and integrity of our organization. For questions or to request usage approval, please contact the Corresponding Secretary at